
  • 营收同比增长逾113.8%!Trade Capital UK(Trade.com)发布2021年业绩报告

    FCA持牌投资公司Trade Capital UK (TCUK) Ltd(交易名称为Trade.com)近日公布了截至2021年12月31日的2021年业绩报告,数据显示多项指标实…

  • 2022年09月13日[SICH Capital]最新被投诉!

    Please be aware that the people behind SICH capital are con artists, my so-called appointed advisor, was pushing pressure on me to borrow money ($95K) to fund my SICH Capital account so that I could make more money. I mistook the company for a legitimate one, but it is a con artist. I was initially told that the minimum deposit for trading with SICH is US$4000, which I did. He continued to pressurize me to put more money in. I saw that the online address he was using to trade my money was a demo by the time I investigated it . Since I refuse to go and borrow more money, he refused to call me again. I contacted Assetsclaimback.com their advisory consulted with me and create a strategy for confronting them. They set in motion the process to retrieve my funds Using the latest Cyber tools, open source intelligence (OSINT),cyber investigation and triangulation which was worked successfully.

  • 2022年09月13日[柯尔凯思KCM]最新被投诉!

    客户8004785在该平台交易,网站地址为https://mt4.kohleglobal.com/ ,由于平台故障原,致使客户损失52599.01 美金。对于出现的问题一直不解决,现客户投诉赔付损失金额。

  • 美股早盘 | 三大指数集体上扬,iPhone 14系列热卖,苹果股价升近3%


